How to Upload Questions onto the Edwisely Platform?

We can upload Multiple MCQ questions (bulk) onto the Edwisely Platform using the “Multiple Choice Questions Upload Template.

Multiple Choice Questions Upload Template Download Link:

1.We can upload Multiple MCQ questions (bulk) onto the Edwisely Platform using the

Instructions :

Please follow these set of instructions while working with the Questions Template.

  1. Please don’t use bold or bullets or any additional functionalities while typing a question or its options.
  2. Please add additional rows below as per requirement.
  3. Enter College and Subject name in the Specified Areas.
  4. Enter option A or B or C or D in the Answers columns.
  5. Give Topic Name and Unit Number as per the Syllabus.
  6. Enter all Math Equations and Symbols using the insert Equation feature in MS Word.
  7. Insert Images where ever necessary.
  8. Do not leave empty rows in the template.
  9. Each question should have at least two options.

Note: Do not use any formatting or Bullets or Table-in-Table or any other functionalities while entering questions or their options.

Reach out to us :

If any issue persists, please contact us on our support channels :

  1. Email :
  2. WhatsApp :
  3. Phone :

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